03 May, 2011

Me and Gulliver

A couple of days ago, I was watching "Gulliver's Travel" with Alexandria, Brittany, and Jen (Alex's 'wicked amazing' cousin from Rhode Island). Lemuel Gulliver (Jack Black) has been working in the mail room of a New York daily newspaper for the past ten years. Afraid to put himself out there, he considers himself a loser, as do all his peers. One day, after having finally had enough, he decides to declare his flame to the beautiful Darcy Silverman, the newspaper's travel editor and one of Gulliver's only friends...only to chicken out at the last minute and instead tell her that he'd like to try his hand at writing a column. Darcy accepts and sends him on an assignment to the Bermuda Triangle. There, Gulliver becomes shipwrecked and ends up on the island of Liliput, where he is twelve feet taller than the tallest man. For the first time, Gulliver has people looking up to him.

Well, I really enjoyed this movie, I've been enjoying a lot of Jack Black's more recent movies... he's becoming quite the actor. Anyways, I was able to really identify with this movie. I've been in the same shoes as Gulliver has, I was Gulliver, minus the job and inverted whirlpool.

Most of my life, I use to lie about who I was, the things I've done, the people I know, just to be able to impress other people. I thought my life was so dull. I thought my life was nothing compared to everyone else. I had a very vivid imagination, I could come up with stories that were so amazing, yet highly believable. I wanted people to think I lived a crazy adventurous life. I wanted them to envy me, at least the me I wanted people to know. I not only did I want other to like cool, always on the go, me... but I wanted to like myself too. But man... keeping up with all those lies and trying to make up new stories all the time is so hard and tiring. I wasn't happy with my life, I wasn't happy with who I was, I was ashamed and disgusted with the things that I have done. It was just easier to make up a new me than face the real one.

Well now, at 22 years of age, student in college about to became a husband to a very wonderful woman whom I do not deserve.... I still struggle with my self-esteem. I still struggle with wanting to be someone better without having to work for it. Lazy and immature, I know... slowly, I'm growing out of it, accepting myself, more and more everyday. Love who God has made me... knowing I am constantly being molded into who HE wants me to be.

This next reference is a shocker, but hear me out. Lady Gaga has a new anthem, Born This Way. Through this song, Gaga encourages people to accept who they are, don't try and change anything, don't try and be something they aren't... don't try and be someone their not. Just be you and own it. Good stuff, huh? I think so! It's a daily lesson I face, but thank God I don't have to face it alone. God has surrounded me with some pretty awesome people to support and encourage me and smack me back to reality! Thanks Guys and Gals! Ya'll be a lot to me!

Until next time, God bless!


  1. I can see the difference between the real you and the fake you. So glad that you're coming to terms with who God made you...Because thats the guy I'm in love with. The awkward, genuine, funny, godly guy. He's priceless. Love you. =)

  2. I feel like I understand your insecurity and discomfort with the real you. I've struggled for a long time thinking I was dull and no fun. But with a best friend like alex and a great boy friend like you...haha...I know different. Every time you laugh at one of my jokes I think...finally someone thinks I'm funny. Someone who's so funloving and great. I think you're superb. Own yourself...bc you sure would be wasting alot of awesome if you didn't. =)
